Binbin did in fact wear his swimming suit for almost an entire afternoon. A first for him. Here he is on the island where we camped.
He soon decided that naked was better and spent most of the afternoon and evening in his birthday suit playing Jedi warrior with an extra tent pole. Mama and Baba lost almost every Jedi battle. They just don't have that strong an attachment to the force as does our little Jedi.
Even a Jedi must do their nebulizer when camping.

The next morning mama and Binbin sit and enjoy the morning fire and drink hot chocolate. As per his usual want, Binbin is wearing his long pants and long sleeves.
One of Binbin's great enjoyments at Yeye and Nainai's is riding the various vehicles that they have. His favorites were riding with Yeye on the riding mower and in the two-seater Morgan. He especially liked the fact that he got to ride in the front with Yeye and not in the back.
On our last day in Illinois we went to Rock Cut State Park and visited the lake there. Binbin was not impressed with the photo opportunity and refused to look at the camera when taking a picture with mama and baba. He said it was too sunny to look at the camera.
However, he was more than happy to take pictures with the camera. Here are two of his masterpieces. He is obviously working with more avant garde forms of framing.