Warm holiday greetings to one and all! We are all very grateful to be celebrating the holidays together at home this year. Santa was extra generous to Binbin this year (more on the loot and the loot sled later).
I did squeeze in a quick (too quick, really) trip to Los Angeles to visit my newborn nephew, Kieran Lee Xia'an Furlong. He's a keeper, even though he's keeping his parents up all night.

Debbie gave me lots of hand-me-downs, which is always an extra bonus. This lavender fleece hat was perfect for this year's snow man, made on Christmas Eve.

Also, on Christmas Eve, Ah-Gong and Ah-po sent a gift basket of crackers, cheese, and fruit. Binbin promptly took possession of the basket and transformed it into a nest for his many convalescing action figures (missing limbs and so forth).