So, as promised, some pics (since we're snowbound).
First, Binbin's storm trooper mini-figures taking the Rolls for a spin at Yeye and Nainai's basement.

Next up, one of many rounds of Memoir '44. Even Mama (who is war-history-averse) learned this game and rather enjoys it.

Binbin bundled up and ready for snow action. I can't remember if it was sledding or skiing.

Here he is, just off the chairlift at Lost Valley with his teacher Johnny.

And, wearing the peels of one of Mama's favorite fruits (the pommelo).

We've spent a good part of this morning cleaning the house, getting ready for the new year. As I said to Binbin, we take care of our house together, and our house will take care of us. We're grateful especially on days like today!