It’s Friday afternoon here at Deep Springs Ranch, and kind of quiet. Trustees are in town to debate the issue of whether or not the school should become a co-ed institution, and just about everyone is weighing in on the question, including Binbin. As he clambered in and out of the expanding ditch in our yard, he was decidedly not in favor of admitting girls. But, who knows, he may change his mind.
Jack and Binbin decided to go on their first backpacking trip. Sam, another visiting professor here, was kind enough to offer a ride in his 4-wheel drive pick-up. Thank goodness! We turned off 168 not too far from the college, and headed into Wyman canyon. A few miles in, and the dirt road became rockier, and several stream crossings later, we were in wild country. We took a little detour, past odd rock formations including one called “the shark,” to visit a cowboy camp. Then, retracing our route, took the fork toward Dead Horse Meadow. We dropped them off at the fork. They would have a 2 mile hike in ahead of them. But reports are that the camping spot, near a stream, is quite spectacular. Sam and I are supposed to pick the boys up on Sunday noon. I hope they’re all right and enjoying themselves. I miss them already.
These days, I think we’ve fallen into a regular rhythm at the Ranch. Here is what Binbin’s daily planner would look like:
wake up just before or at the breakfast bell, 7:30
eat, and repeat the rap-like phrase, “D-d-d-d Duh-duh, pizza deliver-Y”
express a desire “to do something”
procrastinate before homeschool starts
reading and/or writing and/or math and/or science in the morning
visit to the library to help re-shelve books
visit to the kitchen to see if Dewey “needs help”
lunch, 12:30
eat, and visit with Elias or Ezra or Daniel
express as desire “to play”
procrastinate before homeschool, part 2, starts
finish homeschool
dig in the dirt, chat with the work crew digging in the dirt
go on work break with work crew to get a popsicle
visit to the kitchen to see if anyone “needs help”
express a desire “to do something” again
reject all suggestions
dinner, 12:30
play soccer with the students, or, lately, play with Elias in the ditch
The routine is broken by special events, like going to watch the cattle drive, or going to see the cows before they go to auction. We’ve also visited Chorizo’s new piglets (she’s more than a little protective—we saw her try to take a bite at the feed man). Top on Binbin’s list of to-do’s after the return from backpacking: puppy time.