Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Binbin's pre-school is called Elite's International School. The Chinese transliteration is Yelute. The philosophy is Montessori inspired. Eric, the principal, grew up in the countryside, and it was important to him that the children have some green space and get outside to run around every day. Word is that for some Taipei parents and in-door playground is terribly important. That way, baobao can play even when weather isn't so permitting. Binbin naturally takes to Eric's view. Here are pictures of him running on the school lawn and of his teacher, Zeng-zeng.

Sometimes after we pick Binbin up from school, he still needs some time to run around and to decompress. Fortunately, there is no shortage of public playgrounds in our neighborhood.

1 comment:

Ali said...

BinBin seems to be living a wonderful life, thanks for updating your blog regularly, it's been fun to keep up with