Sunday, June 24, 2007

last days

Today (Monday) begins our last week in Taipei. Hard to believe how the last six months have crept and then sneaked and then leaped past us. Six months ago, Binbin's only consistent word in Chinese was "baba." Now, he's got the tones and the measure words all sorted out, and the observations and questions spill out. He's figured out how to pedal his trike; how to put on his shoes; how squat in the public toilets; the right way to go to Love to Shop and the right way to saunter home. We have begun to tell him about America 美國, and every now and then, he'll tell us that the car is going to America to go to work, 車車去美國去上班.

Yesterday, the good folks at Starbucks, falling to Doris ah-yi's lead, threw us a little good-bye party. Binbin was so excited, opening envelopes, then boxes, then playing with a bouquet of lollipops. He ran circles around Love to Shop, then ran back to Starbucks. He finally offered a few smiles for the camera. He reluctantly came home, with his box in hand. Then, at home, he discovered that the paper stuffing inside the box could be piled and thrown and tossed and re-piled. Let the after-party party begin!

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