Sunday, November 11, 2007


Ever since the switch back to standard time, we've been living much of our family life in the dark. Maine is so far east that it really should be in the Atlantic timezone, one hour ahead of Boston and New York. So, the sun rises around 6 and sets close to 4:30. Binbin doesn't get nearly as much outdoor playtime, and sometimes he just isn't ready for bed.

Add to that the fact that the baseboard heater with its unpredictable snaps and crackles frightens the daylights out of him...and you've got a recipe for nightly visits from Binbin, blankey, blankey, and monkey. Though we're bleary-eyed in the morning, it's hard to be upset when Binbin whispers, "Hi, Baba!" or leans close to give eskimo kisses with his nose.

More indoor time means also more time in front of the TV, and Binbin has rediscovered Pingu (claymation penguin shorts), and added more Thomas videos and Blue's Clues to his telly intake. Fortunately, he will still choose working with screwdrivers and baking scones over more passive activities.

Earlier this week, while driving home behind Anjali's mommy's car, Binbin decided that he would like to invite Anjali over to play. Voila! our first successful, self-determined playdate. The two of them played with trains and shopping cart, pompoms and pipecleaners, ate a morning snack of bananas and rice chex, and had a grand time together. Parents were delighted and squeezed in some grown-up conversation.

Growing up clue: When Miss Donna figured out to serve folded slices of ham between crackers as "sandwiches" to Binbin, he replied: "That's a good idea, Miss Donna. Thank you!"

Still little clue: A pre-potty training experiment this morning required the use of 5 pairs of underwear and pants. This child prefers the convenience and comfort of diapers.

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