Though I haven't taken a poll, I would think that most parents want their preschoolers to dress up as something cute (a pumpkin) or something clever (a robot) or something classic (a witch) on Halloween. At the very least, they want to be able to see their little one's face, in which case the prissiest princess or the the most ghoulish monster will do. Well, on Halloween Eve, Binbin repeated that he wanted to be a ghost. So, we found an old white sheet, we threw it over his head, and cut out proper holes for eyes, nose, mouth, and arms. Bright green yarn for hair added a touch of originality, but it was not your photogenic costume. As it turned out, Binbin wasn't much into the whole costume thing. He wore it for an hour or so for the preschool campus cookie giveaway walk, but after that, it sat crumpled in my office chair.
The Town of Brunswick does an annual Halloween Hobgoblin Parade from the town mall to the rec center, led by the High school band and closed by the jr high school band. At first, Binbin didn't want to go, but true to form, he perked right up when told there would be drums. And so, we followed the jr high drum section all the way along the parade route. Here they are at Park Row with some fall color. Afterwards, we caught up with our friends, including Coco and her dad. We even did a little trick-or-treating, and though Mama panicked internally at the prospect of allergens invading Binbin's pumpkin, there were treats that were "safe." Binbin warmed quickly to that Halloween idea, and now (November 2), he's professed that he would like to do Halloween again. 363 more days and counting.
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