The weather couldn't be more perfect: sunny, 70s, light breeze.
After several weeks of "cooperation", "helping out", and "being good," Binbin finally finished his chart of alternating alphabetic letter stamps (a-b-a-b, c-d-C-D, e-F-E-F, g-h-G-H)! Hooray! His big reward: a shopping trip to Target to pick out a new Mistika Bionicle put-it-together-yourself, Lego-style action figure! Binbin stuck to his initial choice: Tuma.

If you would like to know more about him, go to:
So, that was the super-exciting activity Friday evening. On Saturday, we decided to return to one of our favorite camping spots, Lake St. George. Binbin was helpful in the morning, as we had lots of stuff to pack: tent, sleeping pads, begging, chairs, food, campstove, and more. We don't travel lightly when we camp. Binbin added to the weight by insisting on bringing three of his action figures: Gali, Tahu, and Tuma. Of course, Monkey, Blanky and Blanky came. And we also brought books for bedtime reading. Jack included a surprise: a new comic book about Transformers.
On our drive up to Liberty, we made an annual pilgrimage to Liberty Tool (home of zillions of ancient and old tools for woodworking) and to Liberty Graphics (home of many cool T-shirts, which the print for the common ground fair and for patagonia, but importantly for us, home of one of the three shirts that Binbin consents to wearing). Jack snagged a chisel, and I a sweatshirt printed with the dinosaur motif that is one on of Binbin's three shirts. And, amazingly, Binbin *wore* the sweatshirt!
We had campsite #12 in the middle area, as the lakeside spots are reserved months in advance. But it was nice and private, as we didn't have immediate neighbors. There is a brand new bathhouse at the site, very nice. And the playground has been finished! We struck camp, played at the playground, built a fire, ate hot dogs, marshmallows, and smores, then crawled into our tent to sleep. On sunday, we went canoing on the lake, exploring several of the islands, bonking the buoys, and having an all around good time.