Then we took a break to see a couple of games in the Robocup Open at Bowdoin college. Yup, the Robocup. where university computer science teams go head to head writing code to operate robots that play soccer. Bowdoin's team, the northern bites, didn't have much luck. Against UPenn, each of Bowdoin's three robots seems to have suffered a physical injury that prevented further play. That left three UPenn robots moving at molasses-in-winter speed to score the one and winning goal. There was precious little action (robots were prone to fall over and had about a one in two chance of righting themselves), but lots of drama!
Then a return to the hotwings party to watching the running of the roses and to see if Jack's luck paid off. Musketman was our horse for the $10 pot. He led much of the way, but fell off to place third. But, as our luck would have it, no one drew the winner or the second place, which left us $100 richer! Baby's gonna get new shoes! Or, a new bionicle toy!
Here are a few snapshots to fill in some of the gap since our last post. First, a record of Binbin's cake decorating skills.
by the time he finished, Mama's cake was covered with little colored star candies from the San Diego zoo, Skittles, and gummy bears. We bet we know what you're thinking: Deee-licious!
And, below, in a rare moment of being with the group is Binbin pictured with his "Snapdragons" Chinese school class.
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