Friday, February 19, 2010

poem and variation #1 (or is #2 more apropos?)

Binbin is a fan of "Flamingos on the Roof," a collection of poems by Calef Brown who writes and paints in Brunswick. He's memorized the following:

Peas peek out of the pod
They ponder, they whisper, they nod
Everything is new
The sky is a dazzling blue
The wind is in the willow trees
The sun is on the sod
Peas peek out of the pod

The variation, inspired by his obsession with potty language, is:

Peas peek out of the poop
They poop, they pee, they fart
Everything is poop
The sky is a dazzling poop
The wind is in the potty
The sun in on the toilet
Peas peek out of the poop

[They say this stage will "pass," right?]


Ali said...

I'm 29 and I haven't gotten out of the stage, but perhaps BinBin will be different. Enjoy it while it lasts! Hope you guys are having fun, Ali

De-nin Lee said...

Ali, you're almost 30!!!!!!! Dang, I must be getting to be an old man. >.<
