Yeye and Nainai are visiting, and while Moxie isn't their favorite beverage (a nice Pinot or a sauvignon blank from Marlborough is preferable), they joined the fun. This morning, Jack and Jack and Binbin paddled down the mighty Androscoggin in the annual chief Worumbo canoe and kayak race. We had excellent weather with a nice downriver breeze. They finished the 6 mile course in 67:10, which we hoped would be good enough to take 3rd in the 100+ category (ages of the folks in the boat added together is greater than 100), but it seems that there are many spry couples in their 50s, and a trio in their 40s make better time, too. Still, we all had a good time.
Three generations of Klines in a boat:
Crossing the finish line:
Binbin has started swim lessons at the Y. With much enthusiastic encouragement from friend Coco, he was lured away from the wall. Here, the two take oodles of noodles to make a makeshift floatie:
Way back in the merry month of May, we marked Mother's Day with a day with the local minor league team, the Seadogs. Afterwards, kids were invited to run the bases. Binbin waits with pal Cam for their turn:
Way, way back in the depths of winter, Binbin picked up some B-ball skills. Not the best photo, but that's him with back to the camera.
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