Sunday, December 7, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree!

Nainai and Yeye came into town yesterday to visit. And, this morning we all headed out to Hummer's Tree Farm (yup, Hummer, no relation, as far as we know, to the gas guzzling abomination) in West Bath to pick out our Christmas Tree. Binbin was not altogether certain that he wanted to participate on this outing...but once we arrived, he was thrilled. So many trees to play hide-and-seek in...and so many trees with so much newly fallen, tasty snow to eat!

Baba gets the tree loaded onto the trailer so the tractor will do the hardest, uphill leg of the trek back to the car.

Now that the hard work is done...snowball fight!

And, we we're ready to head home.

Nainai offers helpful suggestions for placement, but Binbin is adamant about putting *all* of the balls on the bottom half of the tree.


Sunday, November 30, 2008

4 years old

Our little guy is...growing up! Binbin's current fascination with all things robots inspired a birthday cake design. Apart from that, he recalled that Coco's birthday cake had gumdrops, and he would like those on his cake, too. Those of you who know Binbin's favorite color is green won't be surprised to hear that his favorite part of the robot is the robot's left arm.

A little Martha Stewart (or maybe Rachel Ray?) kicked in as Binbin determined the table seating arrangement and, importantly, the table settings...there must be large, medium, and small cups, with napkins and plates in the middle. Tah-da!

Naturally, the luncheon menu included noodles, with choice of sauce. Binbin prefers just butter, and Coco followed suit. Ian was persuaded to eat a little, with prompting from his mommy.

Most of the time together was spent racing around the house, up the front stairs, down the back stairs, through the kitchen, through the play it all over again while screaming as loud as possible. But we did catch the kids in a brief pause... (left to right) Sara, Cordelia, Amy, Coco, Everett, and Binbin.

At last, the piece de la resistance: birthday cake! Four green candles for everyone to blow out together! Then, eat it up, yum!!

After the guests left, Binbin retired to open presents. Yeye and Nainai participated via iChat, which was not only fun, but also offered photo opps as Binbin held gifts up for Yeye and Nainai to see. From Auntie Debbie, Uncle Kevin, and cousin Ronan: robot stickers (and there was also a Giant Robot DVD --which never has to be returned to the library--hurrah! and robot legos...very cool!)

From Ah-po and Ah-gong, the Jenga game that Binbin always admired when Joey played it at Miss Donna's house.

From Uncle Randall, a stomp rocket...way fun! Uncle Randall has a knack for reading into the mind of a child...need proof? look no further than the fact that...after looking through today's snapshots and ones from exactly one year ago...Binbin asked to sleep inside his Thomas the Train tent, which Randall got him for his 3rd birthday!

And from optimistic Baba and Mama...skates! We are going to conquer winter this year! Icy cold temps and snow and ice storms...come what may...we are going to get fresh air and exercise and have fun!

Binbin's birthday comes close on the heels of Thanksgiving, and the holiday weekend tends to run away from us. We are so thankful this year for our friends, including Keena who raised our turkey and Zach who cooked it for us, and the Horches, who joined us, too, and shared our meal. We are thankful for family, friends, good health, and the list goes on, for we truly are very, very fortunate in so many ways.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Two kids in a tub. Yesterday afternoon, Binbin and Coco decided that the stainless steel tub outside her mudroom door would be their house. Into their house, they brought a basket of rocks and baby pine cones gathered from the yard. It was a nice way to relax after running around while Chris Meserve tried to launch a kite, hiking around the woods, and goofing around the house with a half dozen other little kiddies at Coco's birthday party.

Hiroko made for Coco a "castle" birthday cake, with pink frosting and lots of gumdrops. She very thoughtfully made part of it eggless and bought strawberry Breyer's ice cream, so Binbin could partake in the gluttony.

Unmasked Halloween

Though I haven't taken a poll, I would think that most parents want their preschoolers to dress up as something cute (a pumpkin) or something clever (a robot) or something classic (a witch) on Halloween. At the very least, they want to be able to see their little one's face, in which case the prissiest princess or the the most ghoulish monster will do. Well, on Halloween Eve, Binbin repeated that he wanted to be a ghost. So, we found an old white sheet, we threw it over his head, and cut out proper holes for eyes, nose, mouth, and arms. Bright green yarn for hair added a touch of originality, but it was not your photogenic costume. As it turned out, Binbin wasn't much into the whole costume thing. He wore it for an hour or so for the preschool campus cookie giveaway walk, but after that, it sat crumpled in my office chair.
The Town of Brunswick does an annual Halloween Hobgoblin Parade from the town mall to the rec center, led by the High school band and closed by the jr high school band. At first, Binbin didn't want to go, but true to form, he perked right up when told there would be drums. And so, we followed the jr high drum section all the way along the parade route. Here they are at Park Row with some fall color. Afterwards, we caught up with our friends, including Coco and her dad. We even did a little trick-or-treating, and though Mama panicked internally at the prospect of allergens invading Binbin's pumpkin, there were treats that were "safe." Binbin warmed quickly to that Halloween idea, and now (November 2), he's professed that he would like to do Halloween again. 363 more days and counting.

Where in the world...?

Last weekend, after begging, cajoling, pleading, and finally, bribing (we'll let you pick one toy at the bookstore), Binbin consented to going to the Maine Mall in Portland. The toys and games at the bookstore weren't so interesting, but we found a marble run in a toystore at the mall that was just perfect. After buying that, it was only fair that Baba could have a little time in a store that interested him, right? At first, it was "No, Baba, no! I don't want to go to the Apple Store." But we found a set-up closer to the genius station where computers were loaded with "Lego Star Wars." Well, now there was no tearing Binbin away from the computer station. Unabashed enthusiasm quickly replaced any and all reluctance, "Get him, Baba!" and "How are we going to open the door" and "Get him! Shoot him now. Now!!!"

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Dear Santa...

I've been very good this year. I'm a good helper. I say nice things to other people that I love. I'm learning new things every day. Here are some things on my Christmas list:

robot-theme toys and books and clothes/pajamas
trip to Scotland with Yeye and Nainai
anything lime-green color
All-Blacks mittens/hat
crash cymbal
drumming lessons
tent that fits on top of my bed
Iron Giant movie/stuff
toys that you can build (e.g. , legos)
marble run

thank you Santa.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

you can't get he-ah from they-ah

Fifteen months ago, Binbin spoke only a handful of English, and with a charming Taiwanese accent at that. Now, he's got lots to say, and he can say it like a local:

I said, I want moh-ah. Not three, foh-ah.

I'm certain that, if pressed, he could come up with: The gangstah wants lobstah for dinnah!


Where do you do your best thinking? After a night in which Binbin determined to sleep inside a cardboard box placed upside-down on top of his bed, here's what he had to say on that question:

Baba, last night I was thinking in my box. And I had a good idea. I was thinking I could have a salami sandwich in my lunch box. I think that's a good idea.

There you have it, folks. Thinking inside the box.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Monday, September 29, 2008

preschool link

As I was going through re-reading old posts, I realize that I had forgotten to provide the URL to Binbin's preschool:

click here

Or, if that doesn't work, it's

growing up fast

Is there something deeply human about the refusal to use the word "please" when others insist on it? Binbin avidly uses "Please" and "Thank you" and "Sorry" in conversation, and quite generously. But if you ask him to say it, in such a way as to imply that the refusal to say it will get him nothing, Binbin will be stubborn. He will cry and scream and plead until his face is red, his nose starts running, and his little body is shaking. He would rather experience all that, than utter that magic word. Is his fragile three-and-a-half year old ego at stake? Does he think he's going to lose face?

Most days rush by in a blur, and Binbin is growing up fast, in leaps and bounds in the blur. The growth isn't physical, though. It isn't measured in inches and pounds. And he conquered walking, running, and hopping months, even years ago.

The growth is his mental development. Of course, that was happening all along, but now there's language, and it's all the more visible. Even the "please" impasse is a sign of growing up, of testing boundaries, figuring out the dynamics of power.

This past weekend two things happened on the mental development front. It wasn't apparent that the two things are related, but they are.

First, and to return to one of Binbin's latest favorite topics, the film "Iron Giant." In one scene, the little boy gives the robot an English lesson. The giant learns to identify correctly a rock from a tree. Binbin asked, after watching this the second, third, or fourth time, Mama, how to spell rock? how to spell tree? And so I spelled the words, and then put them on his chalkboard, along with pictures and the Chinese equivalents.

Later that weekend, we made an unsuccessful attempt to Bookland before it closed its doors permanently. When we arrived Sunday morning, it was too late. Binbin was inconsolable. Jack and I were pretty sad, too. It was one of our favorite places to take Binbin ever since he was a baby. It wasn't easy (for any of us), but we decided to try going to (it feels like such a betrayal) Borders. There wasn't the train or the games or the same friendly blue-hair cafe crowd, but we did manage to find something that pleased Binbin: a set of alphabet stamps with a four-color stamp pad. Binbin proceeded to use the stamps on his hands, our hands, his face, his pants. He was one colorful kid by the time we headed home.

At home, he began using his alphabet stamp kit to spell words. Words like: rock and tree. There's the "Iron Giant" connection. He eventually graduated to spelling his name: binbin. After a day a Miss Donna's, Binbin brought home another paper with his latest spelling effort. The letters ran: B N I B I N. He was pleased as punch to show me, and he said, it spelled BInbin, and then went on to read the letters: B I, no N, no wait, turn around, no, ohhhhhh, it's backwards, see Mama, I made a mistake, it's supposed to be B I N B I N. I was so proud of him. He correctly identified his error, laughed at himself for his silly mistake, and took the whole thing in stride, and learned from it!

While I'm writing this monster entry, which is to make up for so many weeks, months...I want to fix in my mind, what Binbin is like now, at this very moment.

He refuses to wear jackets and fleeces. Even if it's only 55 degrees in the house, even if it's raining outside. It's exasperating.
He also refused to buy a lunchbox for school. I got him one, on the stealth. It's dark green and has an owl embroidered on it. And though at first, Binbin disowned it; after the first day of school when he used it, he came home and said to me, Mama, don't return the owl lunchbox!
We play pretend we are a family of xiaoguaniu (snails). Binbin starts by saying he is the baby xiaoguaniu, then calls me the Mama xiaoguaniu, then calls Jack the Baba xiaoguaniu. But just this evening, Binbin graduated to being the big boy xiaoguaniu. In his place, Monkey became the baby xiaoguaniu.
Binbin is routinely dry at night, and will choose underwear over pull-ups. Hooray!
He is more ticklish, and especially when he's punchy and you're trying desperately to put him into pajamas. You *really* could use some sleep yourself, but it's hard to resist that out-of-control laughter.
Binbin gets excited about planning a tickle ambush. He whispers, we have to be quiet, let's go upstairs, and tickle Baba. And so, we tiptoe into our room, then whisper 1 - 2 - 3, and we TICKLE!
Binbin still very much enjoys building "caves" out of laundry racks, camping mats, and blankets. And he like to play a curious variation of hide-and-go-seek, in which he tells you where to hide (or alternatively, declares where he will hide) and then the counting and the seeking happens.
Binbin's favorite day is Saturday. Every morning, he asks his questions: are you sure today is Saturday? Sunday? Are you sure you don't have to go to work?
Binbin still refuses (he sometimes uses the defense that he's shy) to talk on the phone. He much prefers a kind of show-and-tell exchange on iChat.
Binbin cast grasp the kitchen door knob and prop his feet into the door panel in order to speak with the children, especially Cassidy, from across the street who like to come ask if he can come out and play.

Finally, Binbin still has nainai (warm milk in two sippy cups) before going to bed, sometimes long before going to bed, but he still finds the routine comforting. And in those moments, he still retains that little essence of babyhood. It can be so sweet, and it's best savored.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Iron Giant

If you haven't seen this one yet, no time like the present. Binbin is in the midst of his fourth viewing of the video we checked out yesterday from our local library.

Binbin loves the robot. His favorite scene is when the robot gets tangled in the electrical wires of the power plant, and the Hogarth Hughes, the little boy hero, comes to the robot's rescue.

Also, a little trivia: Iron Giant takes place in Rockwell, Maine--no real place, but lots of charming seaside towns on the Maine coast just like it.

Monday, September 22, 2008

I can do it...

all by myself! Says Binbin.

Things he can do, or insists on doing, "all by himself" include:

buckling himself into his childseat in the car.
folding chicken and rice into a tortilla to make his first burrito.
shutting the microwave door and pushing the button marked "popcorn"
getting his arms through shirtsleeves
sticking the velcro together on his sandals.
pushing buttons on the DVD/VCR

Sure signs of growing up! In addition Binbin is more consistent at night, no longer wetting his bed. He's also more confident and I think that sense of security translates into a sense of well-being. When he's had enough sleep, like last night, he'll wake up all smiles and happy and lean over and give us each a good morning kiss! Not much in life beats that!

Friday, September 19, 2008

summer memories

Last night, we had our first frost. That's right, frost.

Binbin put on his fluffy fleecy footy pajamas and got all cozy ready for bed. He was a tired little boy, and with good reason. Yesterday was his first official day at preschool, a sure sign of growing up.

On Thursdays and Fridays now, Binbin goes to Bowdoin College's Chidren's Center where he learns and plays alongside up to 14 other 3 and 4 year olds. Yesterday morning, he was nervous and told me that he was shy and that he did NOT like school and the he wanted to go to Miss Donna's for the whole day!! He cried in the car as we pulled into a parking lot that definitely did not resemble Miss Donna's. But after a bit of hugging, Binbin noticed other children making their way with their parents to school. Including his pal Ian Horch.

So, he gladly changed clothes and bravely walked over to school. Fortunately, Ian was there to help smooth the transition. And after Ian kissed his mommy bye-bye, Binbin turned to me to say, I want you to go to work now!

Yesterday, the children were treated to a performance of Bunraku, a form of traditional Japanese puppetry. The children's center preschool posts to another blog, so I'll post the URL here soon.

Meanwhile, with fall upon us, summer his disappeared, leaving us with happy memories.

In this snapshot from June, Binbin resembles my cousin Rich, I think.

Colorful "robots" with "presents" populate the sun room.

Our black raspberry bushes produced a bountiful crop this summer. Delicious!

Binbin sneaks over for more.

Yeye and Nainai paid a visit. Here, Yeye reads from a book (from Bookland, which is about to close its doors, sadly) while Binbin busies himself with a pingpong ball in his mouth.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Stuff other than Corn

It's fall, and Binbin is growing faster and faster. He tells us that, when he grows up, he wants to be a driver. And then, No, No, No. You are not listening. To me. Listen to me.

And then, play with me! Play the Money-Money game (that's Monopoly to the rest of us). The Money-Money game is a variation. Binbin is the banker, the salesman, the change-maker, the boss.

Good books besides "Corn": Poppleton Forever, Skippy John Jones. Read and read again.


Binbin's new favorite book is: Corn. That's right, Corn. A book that describes some of the history of corn cultivation in the Americas, different types of corn (there are four types: sweet corn, popcorn, flint corn, and dent corn), pollination and harvesting, and products that are made from corn. Corn. Not beans, not asparagus, not broccoli. Corn. Read it, Baba, he says. I want nainai and Corn, Mama. Read it.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

vintage Happy Birthday to Ah-po

Now that Binbin is growing up, it's harder to capture him on film. So, in honor of Ah-po's birthday, I'm uploading a vintage video. Happy Birthday!

You can see Binbin's cousin Ronan singing on our sister site:

Monday, August 18, 2008

now this is more like august

This month has been unseasonably cool and unbelievably rainy. You may have caught some of that on the news a week ago, when a piece of Route 125 in Freeport caved in a washed away. The mighty Androscoggin River is running about as high as it was in April after the snowmelt.

We spent two days of the rainy-ness up on Lake Sysladobsis with our friends, Sam and Jane, and their daughters, Sara and Amy. The rent a cabin every summer with some of their post-college pals and party well into the evenings. We had a wonderful, if wettish, time.

After that, Yeye and Nainai came for a week-long visit. Binbin was treated to...well all sorts of treats. We have photos from that visit, but they're on a different camera.

For now, I'm posting snapshots from yesterday, probably the most beautiful day we've enjoyed this month, and we were very lucky to have a sail in a boat captained by Binbin's favorite babysitter, Jess.

Binbin was very brave, and climbed right on in, despite the "wiggliness" of the waves rocking the boat.

He especially enjoyed going in and out of the cabin, which he called "the cave".

I was happy to be in a picture with my little guy...he's getting to be so grown-up!

And, here's a pic of Jack and Jess.

And, just to prove that the sun really does shine in Portland...Isn't this beautiful?! It just about makes up for the other 300 days of snow, slush, mud, clouds, rain, humidity, what-have-you!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

weekend update

The long silence is due to De-nin's see her sister in L.A., where Debbie and Kevin celebrated Ronan's 2nd birthday. (for more on that event, see During the week away, Binbin grew by leaps and bounds, it seemed, but he still remains our little guy.

Binbin informed me of one recent change: there are new blocks in the new (read Curtis Memorial Library in Brunswick) library! They are *green* and they are rectangles. See!

And here, Binbin tosses a yellow one into the shopping cart. It's that yellowish blur in mid-air.

It wasn't easy on Binbin for Mama to be away for a week. Baba did a terrific job, though, and undoubtedly out-did Mama with trips to Cote's for ice cream. Since I came back on a Monday evening, it was hard the next couple of days going to daycare, but Binbin managed to keep it together until...Saturday! Blessed Saturday, when no one has to go to work.

This past Saturday, Binbin had a "first": His first ride on a horse! The moment was not captured on film (or in digital), but here he is in the stable with a horse named "Jack."

Binbin fed Jack and his equine partner Malachi about a dozen apples, and thus, quickly made friends. Malachi was especially friendly and gentle, constantly nuzzling Binbin and giving him kisses in his hair. Binbin squealed with delight and avidly reached out to pet both Jack and Malachi. The horses belonged to Natalie Rockwell (the midwife who delivered Binbin...probably the first person to hold Binbin), and she was impressed with how confident Binbin was with the horses.

Binbin was so excited that...he insisted that he did NOT need to use the potty. No accidents during this outing, but here is the visible result of having to hold it.

Binbin wasn't happy about leaving the horses behind, but we persuaded him to return home, where oodles of black raspberries needed to be picked in our backyard. Here is a snapshot of our yummy harvest. All other evidence has been eaten!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

"No" means I'm growing up

We have gotten pretty used to a generally amiable child over the past year or so. Binbin generally listens and responds to reason, if you explain why something could be dangerous, he'll use as instructed. And, still, he won't insist on eating something if you tell him it has egg or soy or peanut in it. We've also gotten used to a kid who marches to the beat of his own drum, literally and figuratively. If all the other kids are running after a ball, Binbin is content with gazing at vegetables and remarking on the smallest one ("a teeny cucumber" "a baby carrot" "I love it") or the biggest one ("ooh look! it's a big beet"). But nowadays, he is more apt to feel left out. Especially if Coco and Anjali are running through the sprinklers at Miss Donna's, and he isn't keen on exchanging pants for shorts or having water run down his face.

Fortunately, the moodiness passes. But there are days when, if I could have a dollar for every time he said "no," why, I'd be rich! But then I realize that my life is already rich.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

allergy update

Binbin had his annual round of allergy testing yesterday. He's much more aware of those prickly needles on his back and not at all happy about the itchy discomfort that must be endured for 15 minutes, but all in all, he was very brave.

It looks like he is definitely *not* allergic to melons or corn...hurray! And, he seems to have outgrown his allergy to oats. we come.

The egg yolk allergy and the soy allergy may not be quite as severe, but we await more results from blood testing.

This morning, I took him to the lab to have blood drawn for confirming the skin test results. And again, he was not too happy about that needle going into his arm. He cried and wimpered, and seemed terribly injured. But by the time we headed back to the car, he told me it didn't hurt, and he quietly studied the two spider-man stickers the phlebotomist gave to him as a reward.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

the machines and all you need

According to Binbin:

The red machine is hot. The blue machine is not hot. The red machine, it has saws. Look, here and here and here and here and here. They are all saws. The saws cut wood. That one cuts pasts. And that one cuts wood. This machine goes. Look. Watch. From here to here and here. They are all saws. This one cuts carrots. and this one makes bread. It makes little breads and big breads. That one is hot. This one is not hot. Look. I can stick them together. Oops. Sorry. It broke. I can snap it together. These are the machines.

[He brought them to the Kopper Kettle for breakfast on Saturday]

We celebrated out tenth anniversary in June, a few weeks back, and received from the Klines this Beetles card. Binbin recognizes John, Paul, Ringo, and George. And one day, he decided to find all the ancient jade and bronze magnets and surround the message: All you need is love.

It's true, isn't it?


Yesterday, we went to visit Binbin's new friend, Coco, and her family. Anjali and her family came, too. The three toddlers had a blast, running through the house, playing with Coco's kitchen, throwing red balloons at each other. They also played a sleeptime game in between jumping on Coco's bed. Here, they pretend to be sleepy bugs.

First, the album cover:

Now, the snapshot:

All three kiddies go to Miss Donna's daycare, where it's beginning to look like post-United Colors of Benetton.