Sunday, April 11, 2010

My report

The following is the report dictated by Binbin yesterday morning, first thing in the morning:

a. wear glasses
b. wear stones
c. eat healthy
d. grow strong
e. wear clothes
f. eat fish

That's my report!

[now it's up to you to follow through!]

Sunday, April 4, 2010

what we'll miss

About a year ago or so, when Binbin's Lego obsession first bloomed, he was still a little young. His little fingers could work the bigger pieces with ease, but he called on Baba for help with the smaller ones. He sometimes needed additional guidance following the instructions, too. Like any little kid with a new toy, Binbin was impatient to complete the Lego projects. He would say, come on Baba, no, not that one, that one. Or he would say, emphatically, I know! But of course Jack loved putting things together with Binbin. Jack would observe, proudly, that with every project, Binbin got better and quicker. He also observed that he would be sad the day that Binbin no longer needed his help.

The day has come. Binbin can do Lego projects for the 8, 11, even 14 year olds with little or no input! It came sooner than we expected.

Today was a fine day. Blue skies, a few clouds, lots of sunshine. We basked in the warmth. We dragged out green, blow-up, frog pool down from the above garage storage. Binbin and I scrubbed away last year's grime; Jack connected the air compressor and filled it. Binbin stripped down and unabashedly jumped in. He got out a couple of spray bottles, and proceeded to spend the next hour stalking his parents around the yard.

I'm going to be sad when the the day comes when Binbin has grown up and ceases to run around buck naked.