Wednesday, March 28, 2007

hot spring 溫泉

The hot springs in Beitou 北投 are in Taipei county, a quick ride from the MRT. The resorts there have drawn tourists for many generations. We went up yesterday for De-nin's birthday, and soaked in a private tub at Whispering Pine Inn 吟松閣. It's one of the older establishments, a blend of Japanese and 1970s mod.

We took snapshots on our walk through the park near the Xin Beitou MRT station. Here is a wooden rail for a covered pedestrian bridge over the hot spring.

There is a beautiful public library in the park. Jack was impressed by the architecture, which seemed more Boulder, Colorado than Taiwan.

Finally, a snapshot to commemorate De-nin's birthday in Beitou.

1 comment:

debbie said...

happy birthday, De-nin! miss you! I noticed that you're wearing the 'jackalope' hat. I guess it didn't appeal to Jack?