Tuesday, April 10, 2007


When Binbin wakes up in the morning, he will first gather Monkey and Blanky together. Then, he will say, "nainai," asking for his bottle. He will drink contentedly in a lap before looking up and whispering, "kanshu 看書", or "kaideng 開燈", or "wanche 玩車", or "kandianshi 看電視." That is, read a book, or turn on the light, or play cars, or watch television. Sometimes, he will even venture "aimai wanqiu 愛買玩球," thinking it might be remotely possible at 6 am to go to Love to Shop to play at the basketball game.

We urge him to consider using the toilet or changing his clothes or eating breakfast. Naturally, none of these activities is all that appealing.

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