Tuesday, July 31, 2007

summer days

Our summer days in Maine are passing by quickly, and it really is beginning to feel like summer. The sweet corn is on the market, and so are the juicy fat tomatoes. Binbin's favorite foods, though, are Annie's chocolate bunny graham crackers and Ian's chicken nuggets with ketchup. He is slowly adding more English words to his vocabulary and seems delighted to wrap his mouth around such long words: chicken nuts-ts? toe-tee-yas? boo-li-toe?

Binbin has also taken to name brands, especially Thomas the Tank Engine. He especially likes to use the Thomas toothpaste on his Hot Wheels toothbrush. Do four of five dentists recommend these products? Here he is with his new cup.

He has also more dexterous, putting "me-gah bwox?" together quite proudly. Here is a house we built together. Binbin decided that many smaller objects (marbles, blocks, cars, etc.) should all go inside the house.

Later on, he made himself a "squirt gun" out of me-gah bwox. He gleefully ran around the house, calling out "superman" and then making raspberry sounds all the while dousing mama and baba with imaginary water.

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