Monday, October 15, 2007


Every day, no every hour, Binbin has more english words at his command. No doubt daycare plays a huge role in this, but I also think that books do. I make weekly visits to check out a dozen or so new books that I think may spark his interest. While there are stacks of books about trucks and trains, about fish and bears, about dinosaurs and monkeys, there are few about musical instruments. but, last week I found a couple. One is called simply: Musical instruments. Binbin's title for that book is: interments. You can imagine that the first time he said this word I could not understand why my child was talking about burial. The other book has a less confusing title: Zin, Zin, Zin, a Violin!

Binbin is also reading: Mouse Paint, Mouse Shapes, and Mouse Count. He continues to love color, especially purple, pink, and green. He can sing the alphabet song. He can count to twenty in English; and to twenty in Chinese, with a little help after the number 10.

He can tell short stories about how he pulled carrots and beets at Keena and Zack's farm. Or how he heard the baseboard heater make fire or fireworks sounds, and he got scared, came to the landing and fell asleep on the floor.

Binbin has been cooking a lot lately, pancakes with lots of cinnamon ("Binbin like cinnamon" he says) for breakfast weekend mornings.

He will help build a Roy Toy wooden log camp cabin, then destroy it with his John Deere bulldozer. He destroys with obvious relish. He will also paint with watercolors and draw with color pencils. A couple weeks ago, he drew a "funny face." Artwork to come soon.

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