Monday, March 9, 2009

coming to a monitor near you...

a new post about Binbin. We've been running here, there, everywhere, and have not paused to write a post. We haven't even paused to download photographs (127 and counting still on the camera). But when we do, and I promise it will be soon, we will have sensational stuff for your viewing pleasure.

This past weekend, for example, we went to the beach at Reid State Park and spent a gorgeous noon-hour clambering over rocks and gathering snails so that they could be a "family." The next day, we went to the beach again! This time to Old Orchard Beach, where the boardwalk was boarded up, but the sandy expanse stretched far to the horizon north and south, and people numbering in the tens jogged or strolled or sauntered about. No crowds to contend with. I remembered the meaning to a phrase I'd been uttering to candidates visiting our campus: Maine is a beautiful place to live.

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