Wednesday, April 15, 2009

our book club

It's seems like a good time for a "what we're reading" update, especially as Binbin's taste in books has changed dramatically over the past few months.

Binbin: graphic novels and comic books such as Spider Man, Bionicles, and Flight. Ricky Ricotta's Might Robot and their various adventures fighting enemies from outer space. Stories about Elephant and Piggy by Mo Willems. Dr. Seuss' "If I Ran the Circus."

Jack: "1942" and "Uncle Henry's"

De-nin: academic novels: "Stoner" and "Changing Places." for my Song Dynasty painting seminar: Valerie Malenfer Ortiz's dissertation on "Dream Journey", Lothar Ledderose and Peter Sturman's respective studies on Mi Fu and calligraphy.

I should also note that Binbin's favorite games have changed, or changed in character. Hide-and-seek is still fun; so is the "scary waffel" chasing game, but in the latter case, various weapons, such as swords and guns fashioned from screwdrivers and eggbeaters are necessary accoutrements. We also play with the blow-up bunny: you punch it against the refrigerator or toward an opponent, and wait for it to bounce back. Binbin also does "daredevil" tricks on the horsey, too.

1 comment:

Ali said...

Hello Bin Bin, Jack, and De-nin!
It's great to see and hear everyone is doing well. Montana is teetering on the edge of Spring, it's been wonderful living here. I just finished Steinbeck's: East of Eden. I miss you guys.