Friday, August 7, 2009

summer? what summer?

We've had the rainiest June and July on record for the state of Maine, and summer just about got rained out. Fortunately, the skies have cleared a bit, giving us hope for warm weather fun before the long, cold season sets in.

Binbin was a brave little boy yesterday, as we went to see Dr. Tracy for his 4-and-a-half year annual check-up. He responded avidly to directions: open your mouth, stick out your tongue, say ahhh, and so forth. Neither he nor I expected a heavy round of...shots! While Binbin sat in my lap, rather worried and unhappy, two nurses, one on each side of him, delivered a ONE-TWO injection, making a grand total of FOUR shots. He did perk up for his reward: 4 stickers from the office, and a trip to Target (the land of toys). Before moving on to other matters, I should note that Binbin is now 3 feet 4 3/4 inches tall, and weighs just under 35 pounds. Skinny bugger, but then, he's probably lost some water weight due to a recent round of stomach flu going 'round the preschool.

Other matters...perhaps after so long a hiatus, a list of favorites would be a good way to sum up how Binbin is growing and what is going on in his life.

Things to do:
going to Kitty Korner story to buy penny candy
watching Batman cartoons
working on models with Baba
chasing Dora the Duck around Keena's farm
building stuff with Legos
playing with Robbie and visiting his camp in Boothbay
playing light sabers
visiting Sophie and Emmet and the "Common Ground House"
eating outside on the deck
picking blueberries off our bushes in the backyard
thinking of words that rhyme

Too Many Toys
Behold the Bold Umbrellaphant
Hank the Clank
Star Wars comic books


Optimista said...

Aww. Binbin's love of penny candy reminded me of going to the store across the street from the Chinese school to stock up on treats.

De-nin said...

Funny, it reminds me of that, too! Ah, to be young again!