Friday, October 1, 2010

getting well into fall

Has it been over a month since we last posted? Time is zooming by, isn't it?

On the big news front: Binbin is officially in kindergarten. And, even better, he loves it. He is so proud waiting for the bus with his way-too-big adult-size LL Bean back pack. Is it possible that we could feel even prouder of his enthusiasm?

Why the long silence? Chalk it up to enjoying life, immersing ourselves in the wonderfulness of fall.

One of our annual fall highlights is the Common Ground Fair, several days of hippy-dippy tree-hugging fun in the countryside of the aptly named town of Unity. This year, we camped two nights, and Binbin spent a lot of time running around with the neighbor kids, Oliver and his sister. By Saturday evening, he had run me into the ground, and I just crashed and burned, mustering just enough energy to take 2 doses of Children's Benadryl to help with the raging sinus headache and hay fever caused by all the dust! Sunday morning, Jack and I both came down with the cold that Binbin had brought home from school. We have been laying low this whole week, though Binbin was perky and ready to party by Monday noon! What is it about little kids and their ability to heal? I want some of that!

This weekend, Keena is hosting her annual pumpkin-and-harvest-day at the farm on Saturday, and I am hoping to run (and finish!) the half marathon in Portland on Sunday. I'll try to keep you all better posted.

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