Monday, April 11, 2011

april showers

We're getting some of that wild and crazy weather that happens when the earth starts tilting to spring in the northern hemisphere. That means almost alternate days of running around in shorts and of shoveling snow off the driveway.

This weekend, the perfect blend of warm sunshine and lots of snow came together for us at Sunday River. We piled into a studio condo at the base, and spent Friday and Saturday skiing the slopes. Binbin started off on easy greens, especially Broadway near the magic carpet. It wasn't long, though, before he graduated to more challenging and newer terrain. (I should acknowledge Jack's saintly patience working with Binbin to get himself down a run ironically called "Dream-maker.") With Chris as our guide and Cooper as Binbin's inspiration on Saturday, we made the crossing from North Peak way over to the east side, where Binbin coasted down Green Cheese and Moonstruck. On his last run of the weekend, he following Chris' big, easy turns all the way down Monday Mourning.

That brings us to this Monday morning, which began with a crack of thunder, a 90-second downpour, and a brief power outage. Tulips and crocuses are pushing their way through the gravelly soil, and...what's that sound...birdsong cheers them on. It's spring.

Brief report on Binbin:

He and Jack have gotten the green light to join the chess club at Lisbon Community School.
Cooper couldn't believe that a kindergartner, our Binbin, knew the word "desperately" and knew about vitamins.
After a visit to the Kuceras, Binbin brought home a DVD of anime (Cooper is a Japanophile) and the book "Everyone Poops".
A trail of Binbin's legos now meanders through just about everyone room in the house.
Once a week now, Binbin is part of a group that meets with Mrs. Thomas for more in-depth academic work. Last week, they worked on narrative development of a story fragment concerning five barefoot monsters from Santa Cruz.
We're reading Stephen and Lucy Hawking's book about George's Cosmic Treasure Hunt.
Binbin has mastered the snowplow skiing technique.
While not paying attention to Jack's reading of the Hawking book, Binbin's mind wandered to a laugh-out-loud scene from "Shaun the Sheep."

April vacation is coming up next week, and perhaps sometime then, we'll have some pictures to post for you die-hard readers.

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