Monday, September 5, 2011

90s Reunion Weekend

Deep Springs' alumni from the 1990s and their families started arriving Friday afternoon, and by evening, Binbin had a whole slew of new playmates to run around and wreak havoc with. With pal Mac and his brother Zeke, Binbin quickly formed a little boy trio. They lord it over the ants, attack hay bales with their stick-swords, and thrust ill-advised challenges at the students.

Yesterday morning, with Mac and members of his family, we hiked up to the Druid, an immense boulder that watches over the valley from his perch on the eastern rim. After leaving the sand road to the upper reservoir, we trekked across the sandy desert scrub populated with puncture weed and other hard-scrabble, future tumbleweed types. Then, as the valley rose, we scrabbled up rough rocks, following cairns where we could and improvising as inspiration hit. From the Druid, we could see the college and farm, and much of the valley spread before us. The sun beat down, and the air was dry as usual. But an occasional breeze and the forgiving morning temps made the hike not too trying. At the top, Mac and Binbin played hide-and-seek among the giant fingers of boulders, a wild and beautiful playground for these lucky guys. Gravity was on our side going down, and the smell of bacon kept us moving. Dewey has been cooking up a feast for the alum, and we benefit alongside them.

In the hot afternoon, we walked back up the sandy road to the upper reservoir for one of the most refreshing swims I have ever experienced. A couple of quick dips was all it took for Binbin to perk up and join in the building of an informal dam with the other kiddos.

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