Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Return to routine

We're all still trying to return to our routines. Binbin's illness, a cold, passed for the most part. We hear the occasional cough in the morning and evening. We wipe his nose only two or three times a day. This compared to the constant wiping last week. He still expresses angst at having to go to school, but he's been a trooper. Once he's gathered Monkey and Blankies (yes, Binbin has caught on that there are *two* blankies, and he needs them both) into a bag to bring along, he'll head out for school. I should add that Binbin had a fabulous time at school yesterday...his class was treated to a blow-up jumpy "room" on the school's front lawn.

Jack is still under the weather. He was on parent duty this morning from about 4 to 7 am. Binbin work early, and since we refused to give him the bottle he asked for, had to be held and rocked and otherwise encouraged to return to sleep.

De-nin has mustered her resserves to return books to Academia Sinica yesterday, plot out an outline for the remainder of her manuscript, and begin drafting the dreaded chapter on authenticity and attribution. The quiet environment (and the generous usage of the air conditioner) of the nearby National Palace Museum has made for a much-needed, productive day of writing.

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